The Parish Council is responsible for some services and amenities within the Parish, and is happy to 'signpost' for others. Refuse collection is provided by North Norfolk District Council and roads are maintained by Norfolk County Council.
The council owns land used for allotments on the Walcott Road.​ Many people in the village use the land to grow vegetables and other plants. ​If you would like to put your name down for an allotment, please contact the clerk.
Amenity Land
The Council has recently acquired (for a token payment) an area of land at Highbanks Edingthorpe. The land has been cleared and made safe.
The council invities views and suggestions as to what use the land should be put. It adjoins a neglected pond (which could be turned into an attractive feature). It also has fine views over open countryside.
There is limited funding, but with enthusiastic response from residents it could be developed into a very attractive community area for adults and children.
If you have any thoughts, offers of help or suggestions, please contact the clerk to the council.
Bacton playing Field
The Playing Field is an amenity for everyone in our villages. It is owned and managed by the Parish Council. For further information contact the Clerk.
Rules and guidance relating to the Playing field and Pavilion
​​You never know when one might be needed to save a life. Take a little time to locate the defibrillators so that you know how to get to one quickly in an emergency, at the following sites - YOU MUST CALL 999 FIRST TO BE GIVEN THE ACCESS NUMBER.
Bacton Store (Coast Road, Bacton Norfolk NR12 0ES on the front of the building, clearly visible from the road). Managed by Heart2Heart.
Bacton First school (attached to railings). Managed by Bacton School.
Bacton Car Park, Coast Road - pay and display car park. Managed by Mags Smith.
Bacton Playing Field - attached to the Pavilion - tbc
Edingthorpe - to be confirmed to be progressed - tbc
Walcott Public Conveniences (between the Mace Store and the Kingfisher Cafe)
We are most grateful to Jane Biggs of Heart 2 Heart for taking over the management of the defibrillator at Bacton Store , and for providing an additional defibrillator at the school.
Bacton Village Hall
Bacton Village Hall is situated in the heart of Bacton with easy access to the beach, local amenities and Churches. It has ample car parking, a large hall with fully equipped kitchen and annexe with kitchenette. Being set in a picturesque part of North Norfolk it is the perfect place to host your event or party.
Contact the Village Hall via
07549 411578